I tend to shoot on very expired film, with varying results. Everything here has been taken using a disposable camera, often ones that do not belong to me. If you're looking for high-quality or experienced photography you have gotten yourself very lost indeed.

Developed on 4/1/24

Very pink, foggy photo where two hands flipping the camera off from the front seat of a car are barely visible. Dim, foggy purple hued photo of a man standing in the distance facing away from the camera. Bare trees can be seen in the background. Dim, foggy blue hued picture taken of birds in a tree. Dim blue picture of a landscape on a cloudy day. The left half of the frame is taken up by a tree. Purple fogged picture of a pidgeon's skeleton and remaining wings.

Developed on 3/28/24

A skinny orange tabby cat being held up in front of a background of snowy trees. A white man with long brown hair in a loose pony tail sets down a skinny orange tabby into the snow-covered ground. Several geese stand around one goose in center frame looking to the right. The photo is dim and foggy due to film ageing. A fat orange tabby leans over herself to lick her stomach.

Developed on 1/25/24

Film image of a white man with long, brown hair wearing a grey quarter-zip. A large shadow obscures the upper half of his face. The image has pink borders due to film expiration. Foggy, purple-hued picture of a fat tabby laying on a bed displaying its stomach.